We are a private AMA Chartered Club and follow AMA Safety Code and FAA Rules
We are a private AMA Chartered Club and follow AMA Safety Code and FAA Rules
1. To promote and encourage the exchange of ideas and activities relating to Radio
Controlled aircraft and modeling will benefit Model Aviation and the Club.
2. To engage in a program of Safety, Education, and Enjoyment in Model Aircraft
and other R/C Activities
****** AREA 16 Classified is a private club by invite only on private land.*********
1. A Prospective Member, sponsored by an AREA 16 Classified member, may be voted into membership by a two-thirds majority vote of all the members present. Membership is probationary for the first year and contingent upon receipt of a completed AREA 16 Classified application, a signed acceptance of AREA 16 Classified Safety Rules Regulations, and payment of AREA 16 Classified dues. The new Prospective member has no voting rights for (120) days from the application date. Area 16 classified has a 10-person membership cap as voted by members.
2. Any member may be removed from membership for cause, cause being any
activity that violates AREA 16 Classified Bylaws, or that would disgrace or endanger the Club, Club property, or a Club member; or the lack of best interest for the Club by a member after a hearing and recommendation by the Planning Committee, a member may be removed by a two-thirds majority vote of all eligible members present at a regular
meeting. Any member removed from membership for the above reasons will
not be allowed to fly at AREA 16 Classified field or reapply for membership.
3. All flying members must hold and show a valid AMA membership card and abide by
all AREA 16 CLASSIFIED / AMA safety and FAA regulations. Non-flying members do not need an AMA membership card but must be listed on the AMA Club Charter. All Members are responsible for safety.
4. There will be two types of memberships:
Regular membership: A regular member pays the regular dues and is entitled to full use of club facilities and privileges. The dues requirement for active regular members is the total amount levied, as recommended by the Planning Committee and established by a two-thirds majority vote of the membership.
Honorary membership is awarded to an individual who is not currently a regular member of the AREA 16 Classified organization and has provided outstanding services and donations to the AREA 16 Classified. This type of membership shall be awarded upon written nomination by an active AREA 16 Classified member and approved by a two-thirds majority vote of the membership present. This membership shall run concurrent with the regular membership yearly enrollment period and entitle the recipient to use all AREA 16 Classified facilities and the privilege to attend AREA 16 CLASSIFIED social events and club meetings. Still, it will not allow them to AREA 16 CLASSIFIED voting privileges. A two-thirds majority vote in the January meeting of each year shall renew honorary memberships.
5. Any member who is dropped (non-payment of dues) must reapply for membership
into AREA 16 Classified.
6. Property ownersmembers'memberships'membership for any reason.
AREA 16 Classified is a private club invited only on private land.
1. The Officers of this Club shall be designated PRESIDENT, VICE PRESIDENT,
1. Board Members are comprised of (3) three members at large, nominated and voted
into Office by the General Membership.
1. The Officers and the Board Members constitute the Planning Committee.
1. The PRESIDENT shall preside at all meetings of the Club, shall function as a spokesman for the Club in all matters about it, and shall appoint all committees except the
Planning Committee. He shall also serve as Chairman of the Planning Committee.
2. VICE PRESIDENT shall act for the PRESIDENT when he cannot participate.
3. SECRETARY shall keep the minutes of all meetings and provide meeting
information to all Club Members, and perform Club administration duties as
4. TREASURER shall collect all monies due, keep a record of all monies received
and disbursed by the Club, and keep a record of the membership. An annual audit shall be performed in April each year.
5. SAFETY OFFICER shall promote a safe environment both on and off the flying
field and, together with the support of all members, shall enforce the AMA and
AREA 16 CLASSIFIED Safety Rules. They have the authority to determine an unsafe situation and effect an immediate resolution, including a demand for quick landing and engine shutdown to remedy the hazardous condition.
6. PLANNING COMMITTEE shall determine, define, and make recommendations to
the general membership about matters of policy, club projects, and other areas
of club interest. The Planning Committee shall be responsible for the final resolution of
safety violations, up to but not including membership revocation.
7. CLUB MEMBERS are expected to participate in ALL club functions.
1. All Club Officers and Board Members shall serve two years.
2. Officer Nominations from the floor will open during the October meeting. They will
remain open until the November meeting when nominations will be closed, and a vote will be taken. Officer elections are held in the odd years.
3. Elected Officers will assume Office at the January meeting for an even number of years.
4. Members in good standing with no lapse in membership for (10) ten years are eligible to be considered to run for Office.
5. The January meeting of each year shall be designated the Annual Corporate
6. Board member nominations will be open during the October meeting of even years
. They will remain open until the November meeting when the nominations will
be closed, and a vote will be taken. They will then take Office in January of the odd
1. Vacancies in any office shall be filled by appointment of the Planning Committee
and such appointees shall serve until the end of the current term for which their
the predecessor was elected.
ARTICLE VII. Membership
1. Area 16 is by invite only; this membership is capped at 10 members.
2. Agreements set forth by property owners: guests are welcome and must be accompanied by club members, and there is no limit on how many times a guest can visit and fly
1. Throughout his term in Office, the President may establish committees as deemed
necessary for the benefit of the Club and its activities.
1. Amendments to be added or subtracted and Bylaws to be changed must be
submitted in writing at any General Meeting of the Club to be reviewed by the
Planning Committee. If the Planning Committee deems the changes valuable,
They will be presented to the general membership. After thirty days, the
available members will vote on the proposal. A quorum of two-thirds votes of the
membership present will be required to enact the submitted amendment or
change to the Constitution.
2. Constitution and Bylaws shall be reviewed by the Planning Committee at least every
four years.
1. General meetings shall be held on the second Wednesday of each month at a time
and place to be designated at the initial discussion. Due to weather conditions and extraneous circumstances, the President can change the meeting location or request a social media (Zoom) meeting.
2. The President or the Planning Committee may call special meetings any
other month. These meetings may be in person or via social media.
There also may be occasions that require a unique email vote by the membership.
For passage, a minimum of ten responses (for a quorum) and a majority of votes in favor are
needed. Elections and member removal are excluded from email voting.
3. A quorum must be present for Official Business to be voted upon. A
A quorum shall consist of no less than ten active members of the current membership.
Robert's Rules of Order shall prRobert's
1. All persons on becoming members shall be presented with a copy of the
Constitution and Bylaws and such other Club Information as the Planning
The committee deems it necessary.
The grievance procedure provides a mechanism to enforce existing safety rules by providing a progressive disciplinary system when needed. Although most complaints can be resolved informally, if a complaint is serious or cannot be resolved informally, the matter should be referred to the Planning Committee for its consideration using a written complaint in the form of an email or letter submitted to the President. At least one witness is required to be identified on the complaint. The Planning Committee shall use its judgment in conducting action on the following:
A. A complaint will be submitted to the President. At least one witness is required to be identified on the complaint.
B. FIRST VIOLATION: The views of the complainant and the accused will be considered. The complainant's name will be appropriate; the President will give the accused a verbal reprimand, which will be recorded in the Club records.
C. SECOND VIOLATION: The complainant's name will be disclosed. The complainant has the right to a written rebuttal, which the Planning Committee will review. If the Planning Committee decides, the accused's flying privileges will be suspended for thirty (30) days. Written notice of this will be issued, and a copy will be published in the Club newsletter and/or emailed to all Club members.
D. THIRD VIOLATION: The President will notify the accused in writing and the Club members via the Club newsletter and/or email that the Club will vote on the expulsion of the accused at the next meeting. Said expulsion will last for a one-year minimum. A member may be expelled from the Club upon a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the membership present at the meeting. Voting will be by secret ballot at a regular monthly meeting. The expelled member may reapply for membership after the expiration of the expulsion time.
E. Any member receiving a Grievance who directs any retaliation action against the person filing said grievance will be subject to immediate expulsion from the Club. This includes threats, intimidation, physical harm, intentional equipment damage, or any other action deemed retaliatory by the Planning Committee.
This Grievance Procedure is a guideline. Any member is engaging in practices or behavior determined by the Planning Committee to be a willful act that is a violation of any of the terms of these Bylaws, the Rules of the AMA, or the AREA 16 Classified Club Field Rules, or which is detrimental to the Club, the AMA, or model aviation, will be subject to immediate expulsion from the Club without the benefit of this Grievance Procedure. The Planning Committee is authorized to expel members without supporting membership votes.
5. Expenditure Limitations:
Any Officer or Committee can make no expenditure exceeding 300.00 dollars of the Club without approval by a majority vote of the Planning Committee or a majority vote of active members present and voting.
Gun Carry Policy
Open carrying of firearms is prohibited at our Club flying site.
A "No Open Carry" Sign will be posted. Under no circumstances shall "arms be permitted" on the flying site.
1. Article XI
2. Founding Fathers AREA 16 Classified RC Club Founder of the Club Michael A. Zegilla and the Club Founding Fathers will always have exclusive rights to fly at AREA 16 Classified. Under no circumstances will the Founding Fathers be denied that any members who Join the AREA 16 Classified hereby understanding that Article 11 can not be changed as members of the Club as of the day you join. The following names are Founding Fathers: Michael Zegilla, Scott Anderson, Roy Card, Ron Griswold, and Tracy Zegilla Gary Fitch.
This article is meant to protect and preserve Club Club as a flying club. Clubbing fathers will also have the right to step in and take control if necessary.
Founding Fathers will be classified as "Life" members with full voting rights.
1. All pilots seeking "o fl" at AREA 16 Classified field are welcomed and encouraged to do so under the following conditions:
a. They must show proof of a valid AMA membership card or equivalent.
b. The visiting pilot must know AREA 16 Classified airstrip safety rules.
c. The visiting pilot must be a guest of and be accompanied by an active AREA 16 Classified member while flying at the field.
6. All club contests/events shall be sanctioned by a club Contest / Event Director or an approved CD / ED by the Planning Committee.
7. All sanctioned events shall also carry extra insurance through AMA naming the property owner.
The above is except for the Intro-Pilot, our flying education program, and any Club-sponsored event.
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